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John Sawruk- One of Pontiac Hobby's Best Friends

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:17 am    Post subject: John Sawruk- One of Pontiac Hobby's Best Friends Reply with quote

Because PontiacRegistry.com is a Pontiac Club, it is only fitting that out of all the Pontiac "All Stars" to choose for the Number 1 spot, we would pick John M. Sawruk, P.E.

It is always difficult to pick Number 1, but all Pontiac hobbyists who have had the pleasure of meeting John before he left us all too soon, will agree that in today's hobbyplace there was no greater ambassador for our Pontiac hobby.

John's rich working experiences within PMD and GM were shared with our entire hobbyplace with zest and enthusiasm; and his desire to help others was unmatched. His knowledge of the history of Pontiac, from the earliest developments to the most minute of detail, and his desire to save and share this information have made our Pontiac experiences so much greatere, so much richer.

John left us before his work for our hobby was completed. It is therefore up to us to preserve his memory and thank him for all that he did. We will never forget our Pontiac friend, John Sawruk.

The photos below are from John's wife, Marge, and represent her view of his great love of this Pontiac hobby.

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Joined: 17 Sep 2015
Posts: 94
Location: Niles MI

1973 GTO

PostPosted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 2:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Larry at the Pontiac GTOAA nats in 85 I asked John if he had or could get me the original screen material that goes into the hood for the NASA hood openings. He said he knew of a few extra pieces of it & would be glad to ship me some when he got back to Detroit after the show. I wrote him & to his word he sent me some of the screening & all i had to do was cut it to fit. He sent it to me for free back then & thats the screen thats in my 73 GTO today. He was a great guy & would tell you anything he knew about Pontiac even if it was a secret at the time he wanted all to know what Pontiac was doing to help get the go fast parts out then. He had a lot of good old stories that he was glad to pass on. It made me fell good at that time as I won a second place in my category with my 73 GTO thats year & he was the one that got to hand me my trophy.I also that year got Bill Collins & McMcellers autograph on my 85 GTOAA nats packet. Got a few other on it to but can't think of them right now. Made me fell good as I got to listen to them talk about the old days before I broke into the conversation to get them. Bill Collins at that time had just bought into some mobil home factory & was in the design phase of a trans that was going to get 30mpg's for the big pusher mobil home coach.
I have a 73 GTO that I bought new, well it was a demo because the car I ordered was an SD car which never came in & i had to take what was left because I was in the Navy & had to talk to the dealer when I could.
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